• Commercial Display Solutions

    Commercial Display Solutions

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Commercial Display Solutions

Unilumin indoor and outdoor commercial display solutions offer integration of project planning, control systems, product design, and construction to provide a comprehensive one-stop customized visual solution for high-end chain stores, urban complexes, outdoor advertising, architectural decoration, etc., The excellent work of Unilumin in this particular field has been receiving trust and respect of Fortune 500 including Huawei, Volkswagen and Nike.

Application Scenarios

Solutions are Following:

Market Volume

The commercial display solutions market grows with CAGR 12.7% from 2020 to 2024 in estimate, and the market size will reach 3.20 billion USD in 2024

Yuehui Shopping Mall

Location: Guangzhou, China

Related Products

  • UstormIII


    • High visibility with leading brightness 1,3000nits

    • High ROI, saving energy by 25%

    • High protection, durable in all-weather

    • Convenient design & utility

  • UslimII


    • Impressive Viewing Experience

    • Intelligent Operation & Maintenance Control

    • Various Creative Shapes

    • User-friendly DesignImpressive Viewing Experience

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